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‘Communication via Workvivo Has Worked Wonders’ for Allied Global

How moving from a legacy platform to Workvivo turbocharged internal comms and brought people together like never before for a LatAm company.


Of staff active in just six months


Weeks from kickoff to full rollout


Paper-based internal communications

Before partnering with Workvivo, consulting company Allied Global, a Contact Center and BPO, tried to elevate its internal comms and employee engagement through its own legacy platforms and other tools on the market.

But the support they received wasn’t up to scratch, their PCI security standards weren’t met, and issuing company-wide communications was clunky and time-consuming.

Here, the company’s VP of Corporate Communication and Branding, Gabriela Gordo Triay, shares how switching to Workvivo has helped transform the employee experience at Allied Global. 






Outsourcing & Offshoring Consulting


Guatemala & Honduras



The onboarding process was so organized and well thought out, that it was enjoyable and much less stressful than I anticipated it would be. We were able to deploy the platform in three weeks. In addition, we had an amazing first week adoption rate

Gabriela Gordo Triay

VP of Corporate Communication and Branding

Allied Global before Workvivo

What was the culture at Allied Global missing before it embraced Workvivo? Gabriela shares that it had “a history of self-made platforms that did not help us communicate effectively”.

One example was an internal platform created almost 15 years ago that required Gabriela’s team to publish every piece of content and communication separately in each individual client account’s intranet. Carving out the time to do this for 12 to 15 different client accounts was “completely ineffective”, Gabriela says.

It also meant we couldn’t measure if people were actually reading what we were publishing or communicating, or the effect that had on people. After three years of working like that, we started evaluating platforms.

We used one before landing on Workvivo – it was a great platform but the support system in Latin America wasn't very good. The platform didn't actually measure up to the expectations that we initially set out and it didn't measure up to the PCI security standards that we needed.

When the opportunity came to reevaluate the platform that we were using, and the needs that we had as a company, we investigated once again and that’s when we turned to Workvivo.

Before Workvivo, there was a constant change in platforms. We used email and mass mailing, so most of the emails went out to junk mail, so people weren't actually receiving them.

And basically the overall sentiment of the company was that we weren't communicating as effectively and as consistently as they wanted us to.

Why Workvivo?

What was it that made Allied Global choose Workvivo? Gabriela says there were three things in particular that sealed the deal.

  • User-friendly
  • Security compliant
  • Cost-friendly

"The first reason was that the user friendliness of the platform stood out since the beginning,” Gabriela shared. “The second was that you complied with the security standards that our call center and video company has to comply with."

"And the third reason is that Workvivo was effective and cost-friendly. It was the best platform overall in both price points and user experience."

The Workvivo effect

Workvivo didn’t just make a great first impression; from day one of its rollout in Allied Global, Gabriela and her team could feel its impact.

The implementation and onboarding process with you guys was simply phenomenal. We had three weeks to roll out the platform because we had already eliminated the other platform that we had been using.

Since the beginning of our talks, the Workvivo team was very straightforward, but supportive as well as to the possibility of being able to achieve our goals comprehensively and correctly. After the decision was made to implement Workvivo, I got to meet the incredible onboarding team dedicated to our company. They were dynamic, organized, and detail and goal-oriented. The team came prepared with a project charter and to-do list (which was simply amazing) for every week leading up to the implementation, which let me, the stakeholder of the platform within the company, be both the owner and project manager of the implementation process.

The onboarding process was so organized and well thought out, that it was enjoyable and much less stressful than I anticipated it would be. We were able to deploy the platform in three weeks. In addition, we had an amazing first week adoption rate. With our last platform, we were only able to achieve a 30% adoption rate in the whole almost year and a half that we had it, but with Workvivo, we were able to achieve a 45% adoption rate in the first week and a half.

Things have only gotten better since then. At the end of that year, just six months after launching Workvivo, Allied Global’s adoption rate stood at 93%.

And when it comes to employee engagement and internal communication, Gabriela says Workvivo’s impact has been “very positive”.

People know that within our Workvivo platform, they get answers to their most important questions. For example, if they want to know when payroll will be executed, they use Workvivo. If the air conditioning isn't working within one of our sites, they use it to escalate that.

They really do use Workvivo as the one touchpoint to receive communications from across the company. We also no longer use paper communication around our sites, as communication via Workvivo has worked wonders.

Connect and engage your entire organization in one place


Feature spotlight

One of the best things about them, Gabriela shares, is how unique they are to the platform.

Almost all of the features from Workvivo are ones we wouldn't have used in other platforms. For example, we're loving the Campaigns feature right now. We're loving the podcasts. We love to publish videos as well. People love to publish pictures. Employees love the dynamic of the platform, the fact that it's just like social media.

What really stands out is the fact that they can interact with the platform in so many different ways.

Employee feedback

Gabriela recalls a time when one of their monthly webinars was posted in the Allied Learning Club Space about mental health and emotions in the workplace.

Somebody wrote that they were having a bad day that day, that the calls were very tough. And after hearing the podcast in between their calls, they started to see how their sentiment towards their day and how they were feeling started to change. And that actually impacted positively how that person interacted with the clients that were calling.

What would you tell others considering Workvivo?

There are three things that I would, with eyes closed, recommend Workvivo for. The first thing is the team. Your team has been absolutely helpful compared to the experience we’ve had with other platforms. It's simply amazing, the quickness of response and the human connection that you get working with the Workvivo team.

The second would be that it's one of the most beautiful user experience platforms that I've seen. The comments we've had from our own employees are that it's even more beautiful than Facebook. So that's a big compliment.

And third would be the analytics that you can get from the platform.

But it’s the openness of the Workvivo team on how they can make the platform better that simply blows everything out of the park.