
Tackling the Healthcare Disengagement Crisis in 2024

Amanda Connolly

Inbound Marketing Specialist at Workvivo

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Amanda Connolly

Inbound Marketing Specialist at Workvivo

We asked 1,000 healthcare professionals across the globe about their employee experience, the challenges they face, and what keeps them motivated in 2024 (hint: it’s not money).

If you’ve ever needed medical attention – and unless you’re some sort of superbeing, we’re guessing you have – you know that effective training and engagement from those who give you care isn’t just important, it’s urgent. 

That’s why effective interaction between healthcare administrators, HR leaders, and frontline workers is so critical. 

Our survey revealed that there is a crisis of disengagement sweeping our healthcare system in 2024.

From a lack of recognition and community to poor engagement and communication, it’s time to create healthcare settings that make life better for both employees and patients alike.

Here’s what we discovered: 

  • Disengagement has a ripple effect. The survey reveals that 57% of frontline healthcare employees feel disengaged, with disengaged individuals four times more likely to consider leaving their job. In fact, 85% of unengaged employees said they were searching for a new job, compared to just 21% of those who feel engaged in their roles. 
  • Recognition is vital. Lack of recognition and appreciation was cited as the number-one reason for feeling disengaged by 72% of participants. 
  • Empathetic leadership is key. The role of healthcare administrators is pivotal in shaping the frontline worker experience. A significant portion of administrators (84%) claim the existence of recognition programs, yet a majority of frontline staff (64%) feel under-appreciated and undervalued. With this kind of gap, it’s clear that many recognition programs are falling short of their purpose. 

Our report represents a clear need for change. With the right tools and strategies, healthcare administrators and leaders can ensure their teams feel connected, recognized, and supported 24/7, whether they’re in the office, on the ward, on call, or on the road.

Amanda Connolly

Inbound Marketing Specialist at Workvivo

Inbound Marketing Specialist at Workvivo